Yongnuo RF-603c transmitter merged onto/with the HVL-F7S
PC Port output on HVL-F7S (Sony NEX) without PREFLASH!!! Started by fabianbono at http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1042&message=41568077
THANK YOU fabianbono for sharing !
Read also page 5 and on:
continued (because closing after 150 entries) with
Rework of Sony Flash HVL-F7S
Howto dismantle:http://kundweb.netatonce.com/~u23400/Dismount.htm - he refers to Pate Ganzel, and here he says:
"After some advice from Pete Ganzel (thanks allot) i started to take away the sides from the flash body. I don’t take any responsibilities if other doing the same. This modification will ruin the grantee of the Flash and maybe also the Camera."
- furthermore showing step by step how to dismantle the tiny Sony flash HVL-F7S. At http://kundweb.netatonce.com/~u23400/ describing his rework into a macro flash.
http://info.xitek.com/product/201203/12-75575.html also showing this details.
Go to http://translate.google.com and enter the address http://info.xitek.com/product/201203/12-75575.html
and http://forum.xitek.com/forum-viewthread-tid-970489-ordertype-1-highlight-f7s-page-1.html
"the use of an opto-isolator would be safer for the camera. (eg MOC3030 + a resistance for LED)" Thanks j13l !
Awaiting your comment!
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